Newsletter May 2017

Dear AMUKA friends,

we are very happy about the events of the last weeks here in Wedel. After months of planning and prayers, it finally worked out that our Ugandan friend and colleague Iname Muyekho came to Germany and on May 6th we had our Uganda festival. We were pleased about 150 visitors and also about donations of more than 2000, – € for the hunger relief and education of young people. Many thanks to everyone for this encouragement!
Before Iname came to Uganda, Tabea flew there to work and then came back with Iname and without Tabea’s persuasion she would not have made it to the EU!
In the following you can read two reports, from Tabea about the project work, as well as from Iname about her impressions in Germany and then when she returns home.

Greetings and God’s blessing to all of you,
Orge & Antje Balack

Tabea’s report:

April 3-21, I was in Uganda.
Every Saturday we offer a children’s program with Bible and hygiene lessons, games, songs and lunch. For most children, this is the only mealtime of the day.

Great Aunt with Jacob and Joshua

Because the people from the surrounding villages have less and less food to eat, more children come to the project every Saturday, now more than 300. I helped with the program design and cooking on Saturdays.

I also received a lot of visitors and visited some of the people supported by Amuka, like the twins and Alex. Alex’s leg (he had osteoarthritis) healed well after the operation. The great-aunt, who takes care of the orphaned twins Jacob and Joshua (5 months), is very grateful for her support with the milk powder. As a thank you she brought me chicken, fortunately already prepared (that’s why I didn’t have to slaughter it myself).

I spent most of my time with Rose (1 year). Iname found Rose on Christmas Eve last year completely starved and without any compassion at her aunt’s house. By caring for Iname and her daughter Victo, Rose is now a happy, curious and “fat” child. She babbles and sings all day long and crawls around the house. Since Iname had a lot of stress before she left, I took care of Rose.

In addition to Rose, Yusuf (17, AIDS orphan), David (10) and Fibe (11) also live with us in the house. Fibe has only been living with us for a short time. She is the sister of the twins whose mother died in January. Her father sexually abused her several times. In order to protect her little sister Elin (3) from such assaults, we hope that the father’s consent will be given to Elin to move in with us.

Rose in January and April 2017

When I’m in Uganda, I cook for these children every evening, see that they have the essentials (like clothes) and play with them.

This time in Uganda was pretty short, so I didn’t manage to do everything I had planned. Despite all the difficulties, especially due to the current famine, it was a good time. I am looking forward to my next trip in summer.

Iname’s report:

Iname in the

I’m called Iname Muyekho and I’m from Uganda. I came to Germany with the aim to visit our friends, as well as to attend the church in Wedel and the Uganda festival on May 6th.

I was so impressed by the care and love I received from church members. I visited many of them at home and was very impressed by how well organised they are and how hospitable they are.
I was also very impressed by the unity in the community and the good cooperation during the celebration, as older and younger people cooked together, welcomed and entertained the guests.
I am still very moved by how well the church was organized and by the various sermons about love. This church is truly built on Christ as a foundation. I would like to thank everyone, especially for your good wishes and prayers.

What concerns Germany, I was very surprised by the good infrastructure (the transport system) and how refugees are taken care of and much more besides. My prayer is that Germany will be preserved for a long time and that you will also pray for Africa.
I experienced the opposite of all this when I returned to Uganda:”Even when my plane was about to land, I got a fright. Everything was dark, there were no lights, like at the other airports!
Then I was appalled by the traffic jam in our capital Kampala! When I looked at the plants in the fields, I was afraid, because the next harvest will turn out bad. In my village Bunamukheya many, many people have become thin.
Even the drinking places are empty. (meaning that people no longer have cereals to produce alcohol, which is so important for many (men), often more important than their families’ nutrition).
A woman committed suicide because her children asked her for food she couldn’t give them. Another man fell from a mango tree when he couldn’t even find fruit there for his children.
Some elderly people have died in the meantime due to hunger and related diseases.

African village shop in Wedel

Medicinal Plant Workshop at